Forum travel

About Forum travel

Forum Travel is known by all airlines as a tough negotiator on fares. Our goal is to drive costs down to deliver increased value and service for your travel dollar. Forum Travel has slowly and gradually gone forward, providing new possibilities for the traveller and gaining a position on the market for itself. Starting on a modest scale in 1996, excelling in travel related services backed by efficient and efficient planning while seeking to broaden their scope and dimension.

Through researching, managing, organising and negotiating the best valued airfares and hotel rates we live and breathe it every day. We know all the best places for staying and/or visiting around the world- we love to collect unique travel tips for each destination.

We're Truely Dedicated To Make Your Travel Experiences
As Much Simple And Fun As Possible

Our Story

Bringing you a modern, comfortable, and connected travel experience is one of out highest priorities and that’s why we continuously try to improve your experience when you book with us and expand Canada’s travel potential and excellence travel services.

Our Mission

We have been to most places for which we plan travel and so we can provide you with information about and of your destinations to help you get the most out of your journey. We can also help with applications for visas, and more.

The greatest adventure

in your life is to live your own dreams.

Why to Choose Forum Travel

Cheap Flight deals

Last minute deals

Knowledgeable travel agents

Save time & money

Easy & secure